Additional Resources of Landscape Design

Bibliography (120 Kb PDF)
Because new books on subjects covered in Landscape Design: A Cultural and Architectural History are being published every year, the “evergreen” bibliography on this website is frequently updated.

Glossary (72 Kb PDF)
Online version of Landscape Design: A Cultural and Architectural History glossary.

Expanded Index (470 Kb PDF)
This electronic version of the index to Landscape Design: A Cultural and Architectural History significantly enlarges the one in the printed book. The printed version necessarily adheres to a ten-page format, whereas the one in the PDF file has 78 pages. In the electronic version, entries are furnished with more sub-categories and are made more specific. For example, instead of an entry that reads “villas and villa gardens, 21-2. see also estates and estate gardens; specific villas; chateaux,” etc., which demands a further look-up, the printed index, immediately provides a named entry for each individual villa, ie. “Villa Borghese,” “Villa d’Este,” and so on. The electronic index also provides chronological references for individuals. The entry for “Capability” Brown, for instance, is followed by (1716-1783), the landscape designer’s birth and death dates.
